Grupo Lagua is a group of investors, entrepreneurs and operators with a vision of creating long-term value. As a group we share the following principles, values and beliefs:
persistence and flexibility
We do not stop learning; we are constantly in search of growth and we find pleasure learning about the "everyday and boring" businesses.
Honesty, authenticity and trust
We are who we are at all times and not who we should be depending on the moment.
Transparency, integrity and ethics
Most decisions are not difficult when there is a commitment to do things right.
humility and community
We foster a culture of collaboration and equality where all contributions are considered and we constantly seek to learn from our colleagues and mistakes.
Our philosophy is to create relationships where everyone wins (collaborators, suppliers, customers, communities and partners). We value the sweat and effort in each founder, operator and collaborator. That's why our goal is to create success through growth instead of resource reduction.